Aloe Vera Juice

What Aloe Vera Juice Is Good For

It is undeniable that aloe vera has a wonderfully cooling and truly refreshing effect on the skin. But why should you use the plant’s gel only for external application? Treat yourself to a glass of tangy, fruity aloe vera juice and get your digestion and immune system going. What freshly squeezed aloe vera juice is all about and what health effects the juice can have, we reveal in this article.

Aloe Vera Juice

How to make the aloe vera juice

The gel of aloe vera works wonders when applied to the skin. The cooling effect and the anti-inflammatory effect have already made many sunburns heal faster. But it’s no secret that our skin is generally happy about the rich vitamins and nutrients contained in the gel. But aloe vera is not only suitable for applying to irritated skin, you can also drink juice from the fresh gel.

Meanwhile, many manufacturers sell freshly squeezed aloe vera juice even in conventional supermarkets. For the production, the leaves of aloe vera are thoroughly peeled. The greenish-yellow layer under the bark is also removed to get rid of unhealthy leaf substances. The gel is then cold pressed in mechanical processes and bottled – ready is the pure juice. However, the juices are also available as mixed juices, where aloe vera is blended with others, usually citrus juices. Aloe vera juice is rich in important nutrients, such as:

  • Vitamin C
  • Vitamin A
  • Vitamin E
  • Iron
  • Potassium
  • Magnesium
  • Sodium

Aloe Vera Juice

These health effects can have aloe vera juice

May stimulate digestion

When cold-pressing aloe vera juice from the fruit gel, it is impossible to avoid the transfer of some components from the marginal layers between the pulp and the leaf bark into the juice. Why is this important? There are many anthraquinones in the leaf rinds and the juice between the gel and the rind. These natural plant compounds have a laxative effect. Components of aloe vera have already been successfully used in preparations against constipation. But don’t worry, although some anthraquinones pass into the juice during juice production, it does not have a laxative effect. Rather, the juice is said to have a digestive effect. Sometimes the small amounts of anthraquinones seem to stimulate digestion.

It can help plump up the skin

The gel of the aloe vera plant, which is so wonderfully cooling, can soothe irritation and have an anti-inflammatory effect when applied to the skin. But can the skin also benefit when we drink tart, fruity juice? According to some small studies, yes! Researchers found in a 2020 study that skin’s protective function, elasticity and moisture content improved in volunteers and subjects who consumed 40 micrograms of aloe sterols daily over 12 weeks. Sterols belong to the group of membrane lipids. In other words, they are vegetable fats that are used to build cells. Taken orally, the sterols from aloe vera juice appear to have a positive effect on the collagen content of the skin.

Protection through antioxidants

Antioxidants are natural substances that can inhibit the harmful effects of free radicals. With the help of antioxidants, which also include vitamins, highly reactive and aggressive free oxygen compounds, which are formed as by-products of metabolic processes in our body, can be rendered harmless. Free radicals cause cell damage through oxidation. The good news is that aloe vera juice is enormously rich in antioxidant substances. First and foremost, the super substance vitamin C, which strengthens our immune system and can protect the cells of our body from oxidation. In addition, aloe vera juice also contains cell-protecting vitamin E and vitamin A. The latter is enormously important for the health of our skin cells and hair. By the way, many studies have proven that aloe vera is very effective as an anti-inflammatory agent and supports the fat metabolism of the body.

Can soothe the gums

Those who frequently suffer from gingivitis, aphthae or other inflammations of the oral mucosa can sometimes accelerate healing with aloe vera juice. The anti-inflammatory components of the fresh and cooling juice support the regeneration of the mucous membranes. The mild antibacterial effect also prevents the proliferation of bacteria that irritate weakened gums and oral mucosa. So the next time you have discomfort, feel free to take a few sips of the refreshingly tart juice.

You can check out our other useful articles about health here.

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