Vitamin B

These Foods Are the Best Sources of Vitamin B

Vitamin B is a group of water-soluble vitamins that have been shown to have a several important health benefits. Vitamins B1, B2, B3, B5, B6, B10, B11 and B12 are generally grouped under the name of group B vitamins. We show you the functions of B vitamins and which foods contain the most vitamin B.

How vitamin B helps us

B vitamins are one of the most important vitamin groups for humans. Our body needs vitamin B for the brain, the nervous system and the muscles, among other things, but also many different metabolic processes as well as strong skin and plump hair. Most B vitamins can be covered by food, e.g. whole grain products. Only vegetarians and vegans need to pay attention to the supply of vitamin B12 (cobalamin), even though vitamin B12 and vitamin B3 can be stored in the body. The other B vitamins are excreted by the body when the daily dose is exceeded.

The best foods with vitamin B

In your daily diet, make sure you have an adequate intake of vitamin B to meet your daily needs. Therefore, reach for these foods more often to meet your needs!

Fruits and vegetables
  • Bananas
  • Avocado
  • Spinach
  • Peas and lentils
  • Kale
  • Broccoli
Whole grains, nuts and seeds
  • Wheat germ
  • Whole grain bread
  • Sunflower seeds
  • Sesame seeds
Meat and fish
  • Mackerel
  • Oysters
  • Veal
  • Beef
  • Chicken
  • Herring

1. Oysters
They are somewhat more expensive, but with around 15 micrograms of vitamin B12 per 100 grams, they are an absolute supplier of vital nutrients. With 7 milligrams of iron, 100 grams of mussels cover half of the recommended daily requirement.

Lamb's lettuce

2. Lamb’s lettuce
It is harvested from October to April and is a surprising vitamin bomb: Lamb’s lettuce contains 145 micrograms of folic acid per 100 grams as well as 380 micrograms of vitamin B3, 250 micrograms of B5 and 200 micrograms of B6.

Tip: Consume quickly after purchase, otherwise precious vitamins are lost.


3. Chicken
It is low in fat, high in protein and contains about 0.1 milligrams of vitamin B1, 0.2 milligrams of vitamin B2 and 0.3 milligrams of vitamin B6. With 23 grams of protein per 100 grams, it saturates for a long time and contributes to muscle maintenance.

Sesame Seeds

4. Sesame seeds
Sesame seeds are very rich in vitamin B, as 100 grams contain 0.79 milligrams of vitamin B6, 0.97 micrograms of folic acid, 0.25 milligrams of vitamin B2 and 1.41 milligrams of vitamin B5. They are very rich in fiber, but also very high in calories due to their high fat content.

Kale Salad

5. Kale
It provides about 1000 micrograms of vitamin B5 and 47 micrograms of folic acid per 100 grams. At the same time, kale has 4.3 grams of protein per 100 grams, which makes it not only a vitamin bomb but also one of the most protein-rich cabbages. It is in season from November to February and is often prepared with Mettenden and Kasseler during the Christmas season.

Turkey Breast

6. Turkey breast
It provides 11.3 mg of vitamin B3 per 100 grams and is also low in fat. Turkey breast also provides 0.11 mg of vitamin B2 and 0.59 mg of vitamin B5 per 100 grams.

Endive Salad

7. Endive salad
It’s delicious, especially in winter, and with 109 micrograms of folic acid per 100 grams, it’s a real homocysteine eater. When the amino acid is present in elevated concentrations in the body, serious illnesses can result. Elevated homocysteine levels are caused by folic acid and vitamin B-12 deficiency, excessive coffee consumption, obesity, nicotine, lack of exercise and excessive alcohol consumption.

Mackerel Fish

8. Mackerel
In 100 grams of fatty sea fish, there are 0.31 milligrams of vitamin B6, 0.43 milligrams of vitamin B2 and 7.3 micrograms of vitamin B12. But also 0.3 to 1.6 grams of omega-3 fatty acids, which keep the cardiovascular system going and weaken chronic inflammation, as well as keep the brain fit.

Veal Fillet

9. Veal
It is very lean and contains 0.56 milligrams of vitamin B6 per 100 grams, as well as 0.26 milligrams of vitamin B2. Tip: White to pale pink meat is usually of inferior quality. This is because the calves are fed milk and straw instead of hay and grass.

Sunflower Seeds

10. Sunflower seeds
Small seeds, big power – they are bursting with vitamin B6: 100 grams contain 1.27 milligrams. They consist of over 90 percent healthy unsaturated fatty acids and contain plenty of the fat-soluble vitamins A and E.


11. Lentils
The protein-rich legumes provide a proud 0.58 milligrams of vitamin B6 and 0.45 milligrams of vitamin B1. 100 grams consist of almost a quarter of protein, which makes them particularly suitable for a vegetarian and vegan diet.

Beef Steak

12. Beef
Even a small steak covers the daily requirement with 5 micrograms of vitamin B12 per 100 grams. Cattle process the mineral cobalt in their rumen into cobalamin (vitamin B12). In addition, 100 grams of lean beef fillet contain 2.3 milligrams of iron and 3.2 milligrams of zinc.


13. Bananas
They contain about 0.36 milligrams of vitamin B6 per 100 grams. Depending on the degree of ripeness, it has a low or high sugar content, which provides energy quickly, especially during sports. The starch of the banana also satiates.

Sources of Vitamin B

14. Soft cheese
Depending on the variety, it is an excellent source of B12 with 3 micrograms of vitamin B12 per 100 grams. It also contains a lot of calcium, which is incorporated into the bones with the help of vitamin D. This stabilizes the bones and protects against osteoporosis. This stabilizes the bones, which protects against osteoporosis.


15. Spinach
With 145 micrograms of folic acid per 100 grams, it makes you really fit and also contains a lot of vitamin C and beta-carotene. You can also use spinach to make healthy shakes.

Herring Salad

16. Herring
This fatty fish provides vital omega-3 fatty acids as well as 8.5 micrograms of vitamin B12 per 100 grams, 5 micrograms of vitamin B5 and 0.45 milligrams of vitamin B6. Herring also contains iodine and selenium, which support thyroid function.

Sources of Vitamin B

17. Avocado
Do not be afraid of the fruit with the highest fat content. It contains 0.27 milligrams of vitamin B6 per 100 grams. And its valuable monounsaturated and polyunsaturated fatty acids help lower cholesterol.

Brussels Sprouts

18. Brussels sprouts
The green florets should be cooked in as little salted water as possible so as not to destroy their valuable folic acid content of 182 micrograms per 100 grams. In addition, Brussels sprouts contain 1.4 milligrams of iron per 100 grams, more than twice as much as 100 grams of chicken breast.


19. Mussels
Not only are they super tasty, but they also contain 14 micrograms of vitamin B12 per 100 grams. They also contain 4.2 grams of iron, which we need for optimal blood formation.


20. Cauliflower

Cauliflower is a highly underrated vegetable. Besides 125 micrograms of folic acid per 100 grams, it contains a lot of vitamin C and minerals. If it has brown spots, it has been stored incorrectly and has already lost vitamins as a result. To make it last longer, simply remove the leaves and place them in the vegetable compartment of the refrigerator. There it will stay fresh for several days.


21. Liver
With 70 to 80 micrograms of vitamin B12 per 100 grams, it is the best B12 supplier of all. It also contains vitamin B5, which is very important for fat metabolism. People with iron deficiency should also regularly turn to the liver (pork), as it contains up to 15 milligrams of iron per 100 grams.

Wheat Germ

22. Wheat germ
They provide 304 micrograms of folic acid per 100 grams – a record! At the same time, by eating sprouts we take in 0.5 milligrams of vitamin B6 and 2 milligrams of vitamin B1, which support the effect of folic acid. Other sprouts, such as bean sprouts, are also a good source of folic acid.


23. Salmon
Salmon is particularly rich in vitamin B3. 100 grams of fish contains 7990 micrograms, which is a good half of the recommended daily intake. In addition, salmon contains the B vitamins B1, B2, B6, B9 and B12. A real vitamin B package for health!


24. Potatoes
Potatoes are not only delicious and versatile but are also full of vitamins in addition to valuable minerals and trace elements. In addition to vitamin C, the tuber contains the B vitamins B1, B2, B3, B5 and B6. Particularly many nutrients are retained when the potato is prepared as jacket potatoes, fried potatoes or in the oven.


25. Mushrooms
Mushrooms are low in calories due to their high water content. Nevertheless, they are rich in vitamins and nutrients. In them, there is especially a lot of vitamin B3 (5200 micrograms per 100 grams), but also a lot of vitamin B5. Vitamins B1, B2 and B6 are present in mushrooms in smaller quantities. If they are prepared gently, many of the vitamins are preserved!

How much vitamin B do I need?

There are a total of eight different B vitamins: B1 (thiamine), B2 (riboflavin), B3 (niacin), B5 (pantothenic acid), B6 (pyridoxine), B7 (biotin), B9 (folic acid) and vitamin B12 (cobalamin). They all belong to the group of water-soluble vitamins, which is why the body cannot store them – except for vitamin B2 and vitamin B12 – and excretes them in the urine. Therefore, it is important to cover the daily requirement with food or, if necessary, with food supplements.

The daily requirement for women and men is as follows:

Recommended daily requirement of vitamin B

Vitamin B Women Men
B1 1,0 µg 1,1 – 1,3 µg
B2 1,0 – 1,1 mg 1,3 – 1,4 mg
B3 11- 13 mg 14 – 16 mg
B5 6 mg 6 mg
B6 1,4 – 1,6 mg 1,2 mg
B7 30 – 60 µg 30 – 60 µg
B9 300 µg 300 µg
B12 4,0 µg 4,0 µg
Vitamin B1 (thiamine)

Vitamin B1 is an important component in the metabolisation of carbohydrates and has a high influence on the nervous system. For example, it determines how well the muscles react to impulses.

Vitamin B1 deficiency:

Symptoms of a vitamin B1 deficiency can include indigestion and lack of appetite. Tiredness and depressive moods are also indications of an undersupply of vitamin B1.

Vitamin B2 (riboflavin)

Vitamin B2 ensures that the brain is supplied with glucose. It also maintains the respiratory system and protects the red blood cells.

Vitamin B2 deficiency:

A deficiency manifests itself, among other things, in torn corners of the mouth, as well as inflammation of the oral mucosa and inflammatory skin changes. A vitamin B2 deficiency can promote cataracts.

Vitamin B3 (niacin)

Vitamin B3 is involved in numerous metabolic processes in the body, e.g. the production of fatty acids.

Vitamin B3 deficiency:

A deficiency is very rare in our latitudes. However, should it occur, a deficiency manifests itself in loss of appetite and general weakness. A permanent undersupply of niacin can trigger the disease pellagra, which can manifest itself in dermatitis, diarrhoea and dementia.

Vitamin B5 (pantothenic acid)

Vitamin B helps the body convert food into usable energy. It is involved in producing important substances such as long-chain fatty acid, provitamin D, bile acid, cholesterol and certain amino acids. Pantothenic acid has proved particularly useful in skin and hair care. Together with vitamin B7, it ensures full hair and clearer skin.

Vitamin B5 deficiency:

A deficiency only occurs in cases of severe malnutrition and alcohol abuse. It manifests itself as a painful burning and tingling sensation in the feet.

Vitamin B6 (pyridoxine)

Vitamin B6 or pyridoxine helps in the production of serotonin, dopamine, histamine and haemoglobin, the pigment of red blood cells. It also supports fat metabolism and regulates the immune system. Vitamin B6 is also said to be effective for morning sickness and premenstrual syndrome (PMS).

Vitamin B6 deficiency:

Symptoms of vitamin B6 deficiency include acne, inflamed corners of the mouth, fatigue and sensitivity to light.

Vitamin B7 (biotin)

Vitamin B7 is mainly known for its supportive effect on hair growth. It also strengthens finger and toenails, supports energy metabolism, normalises cholesterol levels and blood sugar levels and prevents gestational diabetes.

Vitamin B7 deficiency:

Classic symptoms of a biotin deficiency are hair loss, scaly, red skin rash, cracked corners of the mouth, depression, nausea, weakness and listlessness.

Vitamin B9 (folic acid)

Vitamin B9 affects cell division in the bone marrow and helps in the formation of new blood cells. Folic acid is especially recommended for pregnant women, as a deficiency can lead to malformations of the central nervous system such as open back (spina bifida) in the unborn child.

Vitamin B9 deficiency:

Since the vitamin can only be stored in small amounts by the body, a deficiency is quite common. In pregnant women, a folic acid deficiency can favour premature births. A deficiency can also influence cardiovascular diseases.

Vitamin B12 (cobalamin)

Vitamin B12 – also known as cobalamin – is involved in the development of nerve cells in the spinal cord. It affects many reactions in protein and nucleic acid metabolism and supports the absorption of folic acid into the red blood cells.

Vitamin B12 deficiency:

Symptoms of vitamin B12 deficiency include cell division disorders in the skin and mucous membranes, muscle weakness, fatigue, poor concentration and memory, headaches, migraines, depression, hair loss, allergies and degeneration of the optic nerve. The doctor can recognise a B12 deficiency from your blood values, e.g. from larger amounts of the amino acid homocysteine.

You can check out our other useful articles about health here.

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